Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's a wrap! {Abby}

Hey guys.

Whew, it's been a while hasn't it?

Sorry about that.

There's this little thing called life that sometimes gets in the way of posting.

I'm sure you can understand... right?

Not to excuse us from not posting.  I mean, we even got an e-mail from Blogger themselves telling us we needed to post on our blog so they know we are an actual person, not a robot.

How embarrassing!

And no Blogger, we are not a robot.  We are actual people.  With actual lives.

Anyways... I'm posting now... so... yea.  And I feel really awkward doing so because this is pretty embarrassing.

But, enough of that.  On to the point.

Today my mom made these pita/soft bread tortilla things.  Whatever they're called.  Then she cooked some chicken and this.. uh... like ranch sauce.  It was really good.  I'm not much of a person to "branch out" so to speak when it comes to food.  I'm pretty picky, and I don't really like to try new foods.

But, let me tell you, this was amazing.


Let me show you.




We ate that for lunch.  No dinner.  Wait.... I dunno.  We ate it at 3:00pm cuz we had a late breakfast.  So... did we eat it for linner?

So now I'm gonna go eat, uh, dinner.  At 8:30pm.  And then we're gonna go watch National Treasure 2.  And possibly another movie.

Yea.  We're those kinds of people.


Jessica said...

Abby, that's pretty funny... hehe. =D
WOW those wraps look good! Have a good dinner and enjoy the movies!

♫book blogger said...

That looks sooo good!!!